Here, on the west fence is one of only two beds that have been completely replanted since inheriting this garden. The plants I've pulled over the years deserve their own list, which follows below. I've found that leaving a gently uprooted plant in a nursery pot on the front stoop with a 'FREE' sign along with the name of the plant, for those who care, usually results in the plant finding a new home within an hour. Lately I’ve been wishing we had a plant coop in the city so I could exchange some discarded mistakes for what could become garden treasures. From the speed with which my cast-offs have been adopted, there’s definitely a market for free plants out there.
What you see here now includes:
Grevillea ‘redhooks’, 3 ea Phormium, one small ‘jester’, one cream and white hybrid and one tiny ‘bronze baby’; Abutilon pictum thompsonii; Knifofia hybrid; Rosa ‘Altissimo’; Lonicera; Euphorbia characais; Clivia miniata; Sedum album;
What I removed from this bed, and the rest of the garden, and as important, why:
6 Roses, various colors and styles: without systemic inputs, produced nothing but aphid feed, black spot and rust after the first gorgeous bloom each May.
Vinca major: invasive, trying to limit color palette in garden to warmer tones.
Wisteria chinensis: a mistake on my part to fill the west trellis and wall. Both the look and the color were wrong for the garden. A costly mistake.
Bird of Paradise: Too big, too bulky. Replaced with ornamental grasses
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