Wednesday, November 08, 2006

South-Western Planter Box Transformation

IMG_2678, originally uploaded by kath66.

After gathering suggestions from Shirley Watts, a hip garden designer from the East Bay, we built these planter boxes to run along the naked west and south walls of the deck. They're 18 inches wide, 15 ft long to the corner, and 25 in. high. Shirley recommended welded iron planters. After having them costed out at $1500, Jared said he could build them himself. I am always amazed at what he can do. He tested a product from Sydney Harbour paint company called liquid iron + instant rust' to acheive the finish. I was so impressed with the results, as was he. They're built of marine plywood, with drainholes in the angled bottoms that slant toward drain holes with pvc tubing drilled throught to below the deck. The interior is coated with a roll-on rubber sealant, and then a scratch coat that seemed to me to be liquid cement. This was to prevent the gouges from the shovel.

The planter is planted with a series of plants that have performed well in other parts of the garden, plus one lovely Acer Palmatum 'Bloodgood' marking the corner. There are two Abutilon, one yellow hybrid (moon chimes?), and one Megapotamicum; Euphorbia atropurpureum(?); Astelia Nervosa 'red gem'; Phormium 'sundowner'; Cana hybrid; Asparagus fern; Anigozanthos (kangaroo paw) red/green; Cestrum 'newellii'; Asplenium fern (3 ea); Helleborus x Sterniil; Clivia miniata.

As the planter rounds into the West wall, the plants repeat:
Cestrum 'newellii' moved from the south wall where it was unhappy in too much sun.
Loropetalum chinensis (green); Astelia nervosa, Asplenium fern and another Abutilon 'nabob', but this one seem to do nothing but suffer so I keep nipping it back hoping it will gather it's strength for the next growing season...

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